“It’s Traumatic” – Ileana D’Cruz Opens Up About Being Harassed

A couple days prior, a post began becoming famous online about a lady who spilled instant messages and sound clasps that an ex sent her. In them, he was requesting that she "strip butt bare, go ahead video call" and do whatever he advises her to do. The post started shock, and was generally shared crosswise over online networking.

Ileana D'Cruz shared the post on Twitter also, discussing how it angered her, and included that she'd been a casualty of badgering herself:

I've been a casualty of eve prodding and provocation an(The follow up to the post uncovers that the kid's family asked the site to pull down the post, recommending that the lady ought not "destroy his life" and rather the fellowship ought to have recently been stopped. It appears like the site in the long run altered the post – 3 days after it was distributed – to shroud the character of the harasser, "as asked for by the casualty".)
